Flodesk Review: The Best Email Service for Crochet Entrepreneurs

All crochet businesses need an email list! Learn why Flodesk is the best email provider to help you take your crochet business to the next level!

All crochet businesses need an email list! Learn why Flodesk is the best email provider to help you take your crochet business to the next level!

Have you ever wondered the best way to grow your business? 

Initially you might think of social media because of how prevalent it is for everyone in the world.

I believe that for all business owners, an e-mail list is the best way to grow your business. That’s why I want to introduce you to the platform I personally use for my e-mail list: Flodesk!

Sponsorship Disclosure: I always want to be transparent with you guys so I want to let you know that this is a sponsored post by Flodesk. I love to partner with companies I’ve worked with for years. I currently pay for Flodesk, this isn’t a product I get for free. It’s important to me for you guys to know that I don’t promote products I don’t believe in. And I truly believe that Flodesk is the best in the business.

Social Media

Social media is a great tool for getting your work out into the world! Once you’ve found your audience, an e-mail list is what will keep your ideal customer involved in your business.

Do you remember the Instagram blackout of 2021? Everyone freaked out because they couldn’t contact anyone and all of their material disappeared. You wouldn’t have been one of those people freaking out if you had an e-mail list because you would have a direct line to your customer. 

There’s also no guarantee that politicians let social media continue forever. For whatever reason, social media has the potential to be shut down with no return. If this were to happen you’d have no way to contact your customer base. But with an e-mail list you have that direct link!

Social media is an unpredictable variable in your business. It is a great tool, but why not invest in an even better tool? (Hint: it’s an e-mail list)

Personal Connections

People who sign up for e-mail lists don’t do that on accident. They’ve sought out a way to connect with you even further. The nice thing about an e-mail provider like Flodesk is all the analytics that it provides. You can see how many e-mails went out, and how many were opened. This data is a great way to track what sort of e-mails work best for getting your audience’s attention.


Everyone loves a freebie! Incentives are a great way to get the attention of your customer and potential customers. Flodesk makes it easy to get freebies into your customer’s hands. 

You can create any type of incentive you want. Ideally your incentive will be something that benefits your ideal customer. You have to be careful not to spam your e-mail list.

If your e-mails are stacking up without being opened it can signal e-mail providers like Google and Yahoo to send those e-mails to junk. So make sure that what you’re sending out is something your ideal customer is looking for. 

The point of an email list is to cultivate a good relationship with your customers. If your freebie attracts the wrong crowd that won’t translate to sales. So make sure your freebie is customer specific!


Forms are a wonderful tool for getting your e-mail list into the right hands. Flodesk offers a few different ways to create forms. 

  1. Popup form: this is the type of form you’d see here on the blog. It pops up and gives you the opportunity to get on the e-mail list. This is a good place to promote a freebie!
  2. Inline: this is the type of form that would be one that imbeds directly into your blog post anywhere you’d like it to show up. This is a good space filler and graphic option for your blog posts.
  3. Full Page: you can think of this almost like a stand alone website. It has it’s own URL and you just copy it and share it whenever you want. It’s called a full page because it loads like a website page with the graphic and a little blurb that you come up with!


If you’ve been with me for any length of time you’ve heard me talk about staying on brand. It’s important for future customers to be able to find and recognize you in any space. Flodesk makes this easy by allowing you to create templates.

Templates are a great way to stay consistent and on brand. Templates give you a way to flex your logo, your sub-logo, your brand colors and there’s even a way to link back to your social media live in the e-mail!

Don’t have time to create a template yourself? No problem, Flodesk offers a wide variety of templates for you to customize yourself with your branding.


Consistency is key when building a successful business. It’s important that you show up when you tell your audience you’re going to show up. Flodesk makes this easy with their future scheduling option. Try not to get overwhelmed here. Your schedule is your own! You’re steering this ship. Create a schedule that works for you!

Remember that it’s easy to add more later, but it’s harder to back out of too much contact without losing engagement. So try and schedule according to what you feel you can best keep up with!

With Flodesk you get unlimited automated scheduling. In theory you could create and schedule out all your e-mails and Flodesk will send them for you. I love automation because it frees up some brain space for me to be creative and connect more authentically with my ideal customer. 

I can’t stress this enough! Your e-mail list is a direct link to your customers. Remember to serve your customer well because a well-served customer is how you convert interactions into sales. 

Flodesk has served me well for over 2 years, and I’m still beyond satisfied with their e-mail services. I truly believe that Flodesk is the best platform for e-mail lists.

Your e-mail list is important. So important in fact, that I want to make sure there are no excuses standing between you and your new e-mail list! I have a referral link for 50% off your first year. This is a great opportunity for you if you are just starting out and needing to start building your e-mail list. 

Still not convinced that you need an e-mail list? Well check out this video on YouTube and this blog post if you need further convincing. 

I hope this information was helpful! I am so excited for those of you who made the decision to take the next step in your crochet business and create an e-mail list. I truly believe it is one of the. most important things you can do for your business!

You’re doing awesome! Keep pushing, keep making moves in your business. All these baby steps will add up and before long you’ll look back remembering where you started.

🩷 Ashley

All crochet businesses need an email list! Learn why Flodesk is the best email provider to help you take your crochet business to the next level!